Sunday, May 31, 2009

Alive and Kicking

i have outdone myself this time. i have missed over a month in my posts. not a very good blog writer. fortunately or unfortunately i don't really have any new business; just the usual i suppose. only not really considering i have 13 days of class left. that's right i am almost a real first year teacher. so you may be wondering, "well mr. harrington, are you going to continue this path that you have started down with such recklessness?" my answer would be that yes i am going to continue. though i have not signed a new contract i have not told anyone that i am leaving and being that this is greece i feel that that is about as good as any signed document i could acquire. so i will return in late august to resume my role as the sixth grade teacher at pinewood.

Now this leaves the summer up in the air right? of course not. i will be flying home approximately a week after i get out of school (that leaves me time to call the haz-mat crew to clean my apartment). i fly into jfk in new york and though my brother does not know it yet i am going to ask him to pick me up and then hopefully i ll be able to stay in ithaca for a few days while i settle back into the states state of mind. i will be in the states for about a month and a half and on the table are various trips, motorcycle lessons, sleeping and eating. hopefully i ll see as many of you as possible please track me down and take me out.

i have to thank adam for showing me new tricks with my camera.