Thursday, February 26, 2009

My Favorite and A Good Question

greece has finally turned into the place that i love and cherish again. The temperature is in the high 40s to low 50s, it has not rained in nearly two weeks, and the cafes and bars are busy with people simply enjoying what there is to enjoy. until about one in the morning orion sits just above the building across from my balcony and the nights are crisp and fresh. every day is a good day to climb and i can open my windows in the class without the students complaining that they are too cold.

question: if contentment leads to laziness and want leads to greed, what leads to a happy existence?

more pictures soon,
peace love and happiness,

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Crazy Sweet Lab Glasses

the mountain from the elementary playground.

the girls gettin' their lab on.

i am going to get a prescription filled for these bad boys.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Happy B-day Adam

happy b-day adam. can't wait to climb.

Monday, February 9, 2009

It's Been a While

one of the major jobs for foriegn immigrants.

fun at church.

sunny days.


tree and moon at the citadel.

crow on the citadel.

crazy mural in the upper-town.

the crew.

dina and satia.

the man the myth the legend.



dead branch in tree.

i really like overexposed black and white pictures.

there was no quiet before the storm at the paok game.

the paok flag.

jumping the fence at the paok game.

a seriously cool egg issue that occured while making hard boiled eggs.

Lady with Ermine. this is a crazy portrait by leonardo da vinci. the portrait hangs above my television, it kind of freaks me out but it is still pretty cool.

so . . . ummmmm . . . i have not written in a while; sorry. i wish i had some kind of earth shattering news or that something truly amazing has happened, but unfortunately no such luck. I have been working hard and the weather until recently has been dismal (lots of rain and a bit cool). so now you are caught up until wednesday of last week. now for the fun stuff. on wednesday i went to the poak olympiakos football match, which is arguably the biggest rivalry in greece; fans here are a bit more rambunctious that those that we are used to in the states, thus there was a staggering 400+ riot gear clad police officers. The game went well, paok (thessaloniki's team)won, we had great seats, and fortunately no police were used. Wednesday marked the first of about six days of relentless sleep deprivation, eating, and friends. thursday i came home from school, cleaned my apartment, went climbing, and wrote a math test, at last falling asleep somewhere around two in the morning. on friday after a grueling day at school i returned home to find my guests taking up residence. A few of my friends flew in to town to visit for the weekend; caty and dina from england and gianluca from cairo. they stayed the weekend and we had a wonderful time; the extent of which was walking around in short sleeves enjoying the 20 degree weather, eating, sitting for numerous coffees, wandering the city, drinking wine, and more eating. it was a wonderful weekend and as they left on monday. the apartment now seems a little too quiet; but i am expecting an eventful spring so hopefully more stories to come.

the entrance.