Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Comments on Hypothermia

as i am sure you are all very aware, keith was able to do stupid stuff in the water and not have any of his appendages fall off or succumb to hypothermia; unfortunately i am not sure that i will be as fortunate.

if you have been following the news you will have noticed that russia and the ukraine are having a little hissy-fit and in the mean time russia has cut off natural gas supplies to europe. of course each country blames the other for stealing, reducing, or otherwise tampering with the gas supplies. See what the big countries can do to the little counties? Kinda crazy . . .

well, greece obtains about 60 percent of its natural gas supply from russia, so either it will shut off or my prices will sky rocket. two days ago, when i did not know how to heat my apartment, this would not have been a big deal; unfortunately, i did figure it out and now my apartment is a very nice temp. while it is not frigid outside. it is not warm either; we are having a substantial cold snap that has effected most of eastern europe. well. . . we'll just have to wait and see.

. . . haha! more fun from the land of one thousand jollies, follies, and lick'em lollies

p.s. I forgot to report, and i think that it only made it to the b.b.c., a police officer in athens was gunned down. he did not die i don't think but i have not heard. . . i'll keep you posted.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Kalh Xronia!!!

Happy new year everybody. I can only hope that you are all doing well and that 2009 finds you in an enjoyable situation.
I have just recently, this morning, arrived back in Athens after a stay in the states with my parents. I will return to Thessaloniki this evening by train. My new years found me watching bad movies on the t.v. but in the company of my parents which was wonderful. My stay was busy, but fun and I am fortunate to have been able to spend the time with family.
I have a few days back at home before I have to return to school and I will hopefully find the motivation (it could be a necessity by now) to do some cleaning at the apartment and get some of those kinds of things straightened out.
There is not much news, but I will say that being home will be nice, and I will be most grateful to stop traveling for a bit.
I spent a bit of time in New York City for the first time in my adult life; posted are some pictures from that experience.

until next time,

p.s. Thank you Aunt Maribeth